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Home ›Belleville Blood Drive a Success
Dear Editor,
A note of thanks to the people of Belleville and surrounding communities who answered the crisis call from the Red Cross to give blood and platelets at the Belleville Kiwanis/Econo-misers recent drive. 53 pints were collected, just falling short of our goal for the drive.
Our donors included three first time donors, along with many faithful people who show up to donate time after time. Our thanks go out to the volunteers from Belleville Kiwanis Club and the Econo-misers who furnish homemade individually wrapped treats and assist with the drive. Thank you also to Saint Francis of Assisi for hosting our Blood Drive, and Culver’s of New Glarus (which provides “Pint for Pint” coupons for donors). Finally, and most importantly, YOU, the donors.
Yvonne Remy and Sue Bonacker, Co-Chairmen